Slide calipers accessories

We all know how a slide caliper works. From the classic manual type to the digital one through the dial caliper, we agree it’s a must-have tool for any workshop. But using a slide caliper can be enhanced by using some of its accessories.

In today’s article, we’ll learn about slide caliper accessories. I use a product from INSIZE with the product code 6144. In the box, we’ll find the following items:

1. 1 L-key
2. 2 holders (1 for each jaw)
3. 2 center gauges
4. 2 tangent gauges
5. 2 cylinder gauges, and
6. 2 additional screws

The first rule of using any measurement tool is always to calibrate before use. Make sure the slide caliper we’re using is at the zero position. Now take out the holder and attach it with the jaws using the screws and L-key.

Now it’s time to select the tool head. Let’s say we want to measure center-center dimension, so we need to use this cone-type tool head. Attach it the same way as the holders. The attachment is merged with the slide caliper properly.

Put the pin head in the holes, and it’ll give you the dimensions between the hole centers.

You can use the other tool heads for minimum or tangent dimensions. You can also use a combination of tool heads as per the requirement.

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